It can be really easy to get lost in the game of Minecraft. Even if you create a map and bring it with you, looking down at it while wandering through dark forests is a great way to get yourself blown to smithereens. If only there was a way to make a minimap… Oh wait––there is! By installing Rei’s Minimap, you’ll know where you are and be able to keep an eye on those mobs.
Edit Steps
- Download and install Minecraft Forge.[1]
- Run Minecraft under the MCForge profile at least once.
- Download Rei’s Minimap. It is found at
- Find the zip file you downloaded.
- Copy the file.
- In the address bar, type ;%appdata%.
- Go into the Minecraft folder, select the Minecraft forge folder, and the mod folder.
- Paste the Minimap zip file into the mods folder, without extracting.
- Launch Minecraft under the MCForge profile.
- Test out your new minimap.
Edit Tips
- You must have versions of Rei’s Minimap and Minecraft Forge that are the same version as your Minecraft.
- You can also use Modloader to install Rei’s Minimap – the steps are very similar.
Edit Related wikiHows
- How to Add Mods to Minecraft
- How to Install Optifine for Minecraft
- How to Install Modloader for Minecraft
Edit Sources and Citations
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