Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is a favorite with our readers and here in the HTG office for dealing with malware when it pops up on a computer. Now that 2013 is drawing to a close, the good folks over at the Malwarebytes Unpacked Blog have put together a report detailing the biggest malware threats of the year, and what to expect in 2014.
Image courtesy of the Malwarebytes Unpacked Blog.
Threats that made the list include: irritating (and expensive!) ransom ware, phone scams like the type we recently discussed this past weekend, threats to our favorite Android mobile devices, and more. They have also taken into account the continuing evolution of the biggest malware types and made predictions on how that malware is expected to grow and spread in the upcoming year.
The report definitely makes for interesting reading for those who like to keep up with security news, and could be helpful in educating the less-than-savvy computer users among our families and friends.
Make sure to head on over and read the full report to learn more about this year’s biggest malware threats…and the ones you should watch out for in 2014.
Malwarebytes 2013 Threat Report [Malwarebytes Unpacked Blog]
[via ZDNet News]
Excerpt from:
Malwarebytes Details the Biggest Threats of 2013 in Their End-of-Year Report