Will 3D Printing Change Everything?
3D printing is still in the early stages of growth and development, but this new technology is quickly catching on and gaining momentum. One of the biggest questions at the moment though, is how much...
View ArticleMicrosoft warns against ‘unusable’ Xbox One with dev kit trick
If yesterday’s video from GameTuts made you eager to convert your shiny new Xbox One console into a “dev kit,” you may want to think twice. In a video posted to YouTube yesterday, the outfit walks...
View ArticleApple stepping into social with acquisition of Twitter analytics firm Topsy
Despite the number of acquisitions Apple has made over the year, the Cupertino company is not done buying up companies just yet. Indeed, Apple has just purchased Topsy, a company that specializes in...
View ArticleVolvo to conduct large-scale autonomous car tests by 2017
Volvo has been one of the stronger proponents of self-driving cars, and it’s proving that today by detailing its plans for a large-scale autonomous vehicle project in its native Sweden. The Drive Me...
View ArticleHow to Understand the Formula for Satisfaction
Did you know there is a mathematical formula for satisfaction? Maybe if Mick Jagger had learned it he wouldn’t have had so much trouble finding satisfaction in the first place. His real problem is...
View ArticleMust See HDTV (December 2nd – 8th)
Sure, the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are here, but this week’s big game release is for the PS3. Gran Turismo 6 arrives Friday, while the latest iteration of the racing franchise will feature over...
View ArticleDaily Roundup: Amazon Prime Air drones, Cyber Monday deals, Windows...
You might say the day is never really done in consumer technology news. Your workday, however, hopefully draws to a close at some point. This is the Daily Roundup on Engadget, a quick peek back at the...
View ArticleFacebook’s News Feed: now with more relevant and oft-commented articles,...
Ahh, News Feed, the lifeblood of Facebook, a river rife with baby and puppy pictures, plus countless status updates and shared articles. Today, Facebook has updated the Feed once again to percolate...
View ArticleSeparating Hype from Reality on Amazon’s Drones
Flying high: Matternet, a startup in California, used an eight-propeller drone like this one to deliver a two-kilogram package 10 kilometers in Haiti for about 25 cents. Amazon’s plans to deliver...
View ArticleE Ink’s new Fina display technology promises lighter, thinner e-readers
That Kindle Paperwhite is pretty thin and light already, but future e-readers could be even skinnier thanks to a new screen technology from E Ink known as Fina. The tech uses a super thin glass...
View ArticleChina launches Jade Rabbit rover, kicks off Chang’e 3 moon mission
China began stage one of its Chang’e 3 mission yesterday afternoon by launching a Long March 3B rocket toward the troposphere, destined for the moon. The Jade Rabbit, a robotic rover, managed to hop...
View ArticleSelf-Replicating USBs Spread Software Faster than an Internet Connection
Getting hold of software, even freeware, is a significant challenge in the developing world. Bandwidth is such a precious commodity in these places that even modest downloads are beyond the budget of...
View ArticleGoogle Play Music app officially arrives on Glass
Glass Explorers who weren’t adventurous enough to sideload Google Play Music onto their wearable for an early taste of the app have just gotten easy access to it. Mountain View’s just listed the tune...
View ArticleApplebee’s putting a tablet on every table, hopes to engage grease-covered...
‘Who hasn’t felt like they’ve been held hostage waiting for a check to arrive?” That’s a question posed by Applebee’s president, Mike Archer. Frankly, we’re having some trouble imagining that the home...
View ArticleASUS tablet reaches the FCC with options to run Android, Windows or both
ASUS already has a knack for hardware that uses multiple operating systems, but it may up the ante with a new M80T tablet that has just reached the FCC. The device should ship in three primary...
View ArticleHow to Set Up ARM in TetherPro
Want to improve your workflow when taking images in TetherPro? It’s easy to do. Just set up the ARM (Accept, Reject, Maybe) capabilities. Edit Steps Open TetherPro and start a project. Select Yes...
View ArticleSelect Explorers can now purchase a second Google Glass unit
Forget trawling eBay or craigslist for Google Glass — your best bet is to pal up with someone who already owns one. Select Explorers who couldn’t access the Glass accessory shop have received an email...
View ArticleKitKat claims 1.1 percent of Android device share a month after launch
KitKat may be the new kid on the Android block, but it’s already faring quite well. Google’s latest OS dashboard reveals that 1.1 percent of active Android devices are running the new platform roughly...
View ArticleFinished CyanogenMod 10.2 arrives as focus shifts to Android 4.4 KitKat
Android fans who’ve been waiting for a stable edition of CyanogenMod 10.2 can finally start their downloads. Cyanogen has just released its final version of the custom firmware, giving the curious a...
View ArticleA Pill Filled with Bacteria Instead of Drugs
Yogurt eaters already know that not all bacteria are bad for you. They may not realize that some bacteria are so important that one day people may fight off disease with pills filled with bacteria...
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